Monday, April 2, 2012

A Happy - Sad Kind of Day

Happy - today is a new day
Sad - you woke up almost every hour last night
Happy - you don't have to get up
Sad - you are exhausted
Happy - you have one of your favorite nurses today
Sad - it's your 19th day in the hospital
Happy - watching Little Hospital on the Praire
Sad - it's time for physical therapy
Happy - your PT lets you exercise in bed
Sad - 10 medical or hospital staff personnel have come in and out of your room since 7am and it's only noon!
Happy - SO many people love you
Sad - your head hurts
Happy - friends come to visit
Sad - friends have to leave
Happy - being outside
Sad - your hair is falling out
Happy - you have new earrings to wear
Sad - why do you have to do this again
Happy - having one of your favorite night nurses
Sad - tired of being here
Happy - a fav nurse brings you yogurt with yummy toppings
becauase she heard it had been a rough day
Sad - confused and upset about everything
Happy - tomorrow is another day

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning,
great is your faithfulness. "
Lamentations 3:22-23

1 comment:

  1. Sad - to hear it's been a tough day.
    Sad - we can't be there with you.
    Happy - you have new earrings! wanna see!
    Happy - you have groovy headbands to wear!
    Happy - so many people love you and are praying for you!
    Happy - Phil and I wear the braclets you made for us everyday and tell people about you when they ask!
    Happy - we love you 4 so very much and continue to lift your sweet family up!
