Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Glimmer of Sunshine

That glimmer of sunshine came in the form of a wonderful weekend.

Mark and I were fortunate enough to be able to go away this past weekend.
Friends offered us their house in the north Ga. mountains for a get away. It was exactly what we needed! We hadn't had a night "away" since our anniversary in June. I told a friend on Monday that I felt so well rested and renewed! Amazing what 48 hours of peace and quiet can do for the body and spirit! It also helped that there was no laundry or cleaning to do : )

We are so very thankful to our friends for this blessing and to my parents for keeping the girls. I think the girls loved the weekend as much as we did!

Now for a Faith in Action update..
Hope you had the opportunity to be intentional about serving Jesus last week.
It was harder than I thought! To me it's "easy" to be nice to others, but it was a challenge to be intentional in my actions. I get caught up in the "busyness" of life and neglect those I love and care about. Does someone really know I am praying for them? Do my actions truly show I care? Maybe this week will be easier...

Sorry this week's Faith in Action suggestions are late!
Here are the suggestions and verse:

Week 2 - February 6
"Dear friends...Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear."
Philippians 2:12

*Ask God to help you share Christ with someone He brings to you and watch for the opportunity to do that
*Smile and speak to at least three strangers or people you don't know well
*Refrain from criticism or saying anything negative to anyone this week, and let it become a habit
*Offer to let the person behind you in the check-out line go in front of you
*Collect food for a food bank or Co-op
*Make a phone call to check on someone
*Don't walk by trash, pick it up and throw it away
*Put a valentine in the mail to someone who is alone or having difficulty

Thanks for your continued prayers and for how you are putting your faith in action by supporting us!
In Him,
The Tates

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2

1 comment:

  1. a weekend away.....ahhh! how nice for the two of you and like you said I'm sure the girls enjoyed it too :) Happy to hear you're feeling rested and refreshed - always a good/needed feeling!
