Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Follow Up from CHOA

Good evening everyone. We just wanted to give you an update from our news of earlier today. Elena has received her second unit of platelets and her first unit of blood and is now getting the first of several doses of IV antibiotics. She spiked a fever around 4pm but has not run a temp since around 5:30. Praise God! Elena is due to receive another unit of blood tonight and will then alternate fluids and antibiotics throughout the night. Please pray for peace, healing and comfort for her as this will be a difficult night. Elena has not had much to eat or drink in the last 36 hours and has continued to feel nauseous. She has thrown up blood again this evening. Please pray that the doctors can find out what is causing this and pray that all of the blood, platelets and medicines that Elena has received will do what she needs them to do to heal her body.

On a brighter note, Elena was excited to find out that her nurse for the night shift was someone that she knew from when she was first diagnosed and with whom she is really comfortable with. This has made a big difference in Elena's disposition already this evening. She is an amazing girl!! She wants so much to be a normal kid again. Earlier today, as I was carrying her to the infusion room to begin her treatment because she was just too tired to walk, we passed by a little friend of hers who was playing in the common area and Elena noticed she had gotten a hair cut and told her how much she liked it! She is always wanting to make the other kids at the clinic feel better or have a better day! I am constantly amazed by these acts of kindness because they are so heartfelt and sincere, which makes seeing Elena suffer like this so much harder. Thank you for all of the prayers and love and support that you continue to shower upon our family! We pray that you find rest and comfort in God alone!

In Him,
The Tates

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

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